Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Monday, April 27, 2020

Week of April 27-May 1

Bonjour tout le monde!
Bonjour - Chatons - Balançoire - Gif Animé - Gratuit Sticker GIF ...
I hope everyone is enjoying our lovely spring weather. It is so nice to feel the sun again after a long winter! This week's assignments have all been posted to our Google Classroom.

I have added some new Boom card decks for math, for rhyming, for the sound "on" and for spring vocabulary. https://wow.boomlearning.com/signin/student?req=login

Under the links tab above, I have added  Ms.White and Mrs. Waite's music teachers' blog.

I had to create a new account for our "Splash Learn" math activities. Please use the new class code and password that I e-mailed to you on Friday. The old ones will not work.

Here are some fun ideas for working on sight words and spelling words: (suggestions in blue print are new this week)

  • Crazy writing:  Place some shaving cream, rice, salt or sugar on a rimmed baking sheet. Have your child use their finger or a Q-tip to write their words.
  • Finger paint in a bag: Put some paint into a large clear zip-loc bag. Close the bag tightly. Your child can now use their finger to write words on the bag.
  • "Abracadabra!": Affix words to the wall or ceiling. Turn out the lights and use a flashlight to read the words.
  • "Word Hunt": Write the words on flashcards and hide them around the room or even outside! Have your child find the word and then read it or spell it.
  • "Surprise Bag" Place all words in a bag. Have your child draw a word card out of the bag. If they can read it in a "click", they keep the card. If not, it goes back in the bag.
  • "Word Hop" Write the words on cards and place them on the ground a short distance apart from each other. Have your child jump from word to word reading them as quickly as possible. I can see this working well with sidewalk chalk on the driveway!
  • Continue playing "Go Fish" with word cards. I recently posted a Go Fish reference sheet on Google Classroom, that will help parents to play the game in French (in the reference section of the "classwork" page.
  • Write words in different ways" using Scrabble tiles, letter stamps or magnetic letters on a cookie sheet. You could also cut letters out of magazines or cereal boxes or have fun writing the words on the driveway with sidewalk chalk.

Happy birthday to Eric who will be turning 7 on Friday! "Bonne fête, Eric!"

A note on Google classroom: I personally find the "stream" page disorganized looking. If you click on  "classwork"  at the top of the page in Google classroom, you will see the assignments and suggested activities organized by topic/date.                                                                                                 
Do what you can, choose from among the activities I have suggested and don't put too much pressure on yourselves. Try to have fun and aim for 30 minutes of speaking listening/reading/writing and 15 minutes of math daily 
(45 minutes total/day)
Have a great week! 
Bonne Journée - Chatons - Pots - Fleurs - Gif scintillant ...

Monday, April 20, 2020

Week of April 20-24

GIF: Love Earth | Animations | Animaux et Hamsters

Bonjour à tous!
I hope everyone continues to do well! The spring weather seems to have arrived we have been getting outside to enjoy it every day. 

Wednesday is Earth day "Le jour de la Terre." If we had been in school, this would have been our focus for the week. I challenge everyone to try and do something good for the Earth. Maybe clean up some litter in your yard or be more mindful to turn off lights when they are not needed. 
If you'd like to share what you did, I would love to see a picture (either on email or Google classroom.) 

Here are some learning suggestions for the coming days. 30 minutes of literacy and 15 minutes of math is the goal, although I am well aware that this is not always doable. Do what you can, and try to have fun! 

A note on Google classroom: I personally find the "stream" page disorganized looking. If you click on  "classwork"  at the top of the page in Google classroom, you will see the assignments organized by topic. 

Listening and Speaking:
  1. Watch some videos and listen to some songs in French (on tabbed pages above) Discuss what you watched and heard with your parents or older siblings. Tell your parents what you liked or didn't like about the songs and videos using the French words you know.
  2. Scavenger Hunt: Go for a walk around your neighbourhood and try to find the items on the "Scavenger Hunt." I have provided a new one for you on Google classroom. Be sure to speak French and practice the provided vocabulary and sentence structures."Je vois le ____", "J'ai trouvé un_____."
  3. Listen to the story "Nous sommes dans un livre" by Mo Willems. My daughters had fun recording this read aloud for you! We hope you enjoy it. You can find this on Google classroom (shared with the permission of Scholastic.)
  4. Fortune tellers/"Les coins-coins: I used to love these games when I was a child! Print off the pattern on Google classroom and follow the folding directions. If you don't have access to a printer, you could fold a piece a paper and write the text on yourself, using the fold lines as a guide. Use the sentence starters to practice speaking in French. I think the children will really like this activity! 
    If you do nothing else this week, please try to read with your child and have them do some independent practice. Try the "Je lis, je lis..." site if you haven't logged on yet.

    Don't forget to "jette un coup d'oeil"(take a sneak peek) at the cover/the first few pages and  make some predictions before reading. While reading always ask "Does this sound right?, Does this make sense? Does the word I just read match the letters on the page?  Don't guess at words! Use your reading strategies! I have posted some helpful information on Google classroom under the "Resources" topic. After reading, it is important to discuss the book in some way. Perhaps reread a favourite part, discuss the characters or retell what happened (beginning, middle and end.)
    1. Sign on to the "Je lis, Je lis littératie site" and read one of the online books I have selected for you. https://jelis-free.rkpublishing.com/student   
    2. When finished, do one of the following reading response activities posted in Google classroom.
    • Roll and Retell
    • D/M/F activity: draw or write what happened at Début, Milieu, Fin (beginning, middle, end) of the story.
    Sight Words/Word Work:
    1. Continue with Sight word cards from your homework bag. If you finish a set, email me and I will send you some new words to work on. These words need to be read quickly in a "click." Please keep the same set for at least a week before asking for new words. These words must be mastered, not sounded out. I now have digital versions of the "colour" sight word card sets. Let me know when you need a new ones!
    2. Boom Cards: Play any of the sight word or word building decks I have assigned.
    3. Spelling words:  dans, du, des (ami, avec, j'aime)                      Words in parentheses were assigned last week, but should still be reviewed. Children must know how to spell these words independently by the end of Grade 1.                       
    4. Game suggestions for practicing sight words and spelling words:
    • "Abracadabra!": Affix words to the wall or ceiling. Turn out the lights and use a flashlight to read the words.
    • "Word Hunt": Write the words on flashcards and hide them around the room or even outside! Have your child find the word and then read it or spell it.
    • "Surprise Bag" Place all words in a bag. Have your child draw a word card out of the bag. If they can read it in a "click", they keep the card. If not, it goes back in the bag.
    • "Word Hop" Write the words on cards and place them on the ground a short distance apart from each other. Have your child jump from word to word reading them as quickly as possible. I can see this working well with sidewalk chalk on the driveway!
    • Continue playing "Go Fish" with word cards. I recently posted a Go Fish reference sheet on Google Classroom, that will help parents to play the game in French (in the reference section of the "classwork" page.
    Write words in different ways" using Scrabble tiles, letter stamps or magnetic letters on a cookie sheet. You could also cut letters out of magazines or cereal boxes or have fun writing the words on the driveway with sidewalk chalk.

    Le Son de la Semaine: (Sound of the Week):  

     "oi" (pronounced "wa")
    1. Use your pink song book and look for words containing the sound "oi." Circle or highlight the sound within the word. If you forgot your song book at school, it is now available in our Google Classroom under the "Resources" topic. Look on "classwork" page to see assignments organized by topic.
    2. In Google classroom, there is a Slide presentation with a video outlining syllables, vocabulary words and a song with the featured sound. There is also the dice game "Lance et Lis."
    3. Work on the new "oi" Boom cards I have assigned.

      Please let children try their best. Do not help them spell words. You can tell them the word, but they should orally slowly stretch the word out and write the sounds they hear.  They could also listen for the syllables in the word to help with spelling. There are several reference tools posted that will help with spelling of common words and special vocabulary words.

      1) Earth Day/ Jour de la Terre sentences:  On Google classroom, watch the video where I present the book " Je peux aider la Terre." by Madame Angel (used with her permission.)

      Use the following sentence model:
      Pour aider la Terre, je peux __________. 

      Copy and complete the sentence stating a way you can help planet Earth. Use the provided Earth day vocabulary or the ideas from the book I share in the video.

      Examples" Pour aider la Terre, je peux planter un arbre.
      Pour aider la Terre, je peux ramasser les déchets.

      Illustrate the sentences and colour the pictures. Be sure to use proper capitalization, spacing, letter formation and punctuation. Be sure to reread your work to ensure that it sounds right and makes sense. It is important to share the writing with someone afterwards.

      Extra challenge: Make several sentences on separate pages and create a book. Make a cover and create a book title. 

      2) Boom Cards: Work on building simple sentences with the "Phrases Fantastiques" cards. Be sure to listen to the sentence first and then try to build it with the provided words, pictures and punctuation. The Easter deck is still there, and I added another deck with a food theme last week.

      3) Earth Day themed "Write the Room" activity in Google Classroom: Print the vocabulary cards, or write the words out on post it notes. Hide the words around the room. Have your child find the word and then write it on the provided sheet (or any piece of paper.) This is extra fun if you have a clipboard! The children are familiar with this activity as it is a common one we use in class. This is also a great way to practice spelling words.

      1. Create a "Doubles" booklet:  This was last week's activity. You could finish it this week if you have not had a chance to do it yet (see last week's blog post.)
      2. Splash learn site: We are experiencing "technical issues" with our account. It seems as if our class has been "locked out", as nobody can log in anymore (myself included). I hope to get to the bottom of the problem very soon. I will email everyone when I hear back. I hope I won't need to issue new passwords etc, but that's a possibility.
      3. Play a math card game: Game instructions under the "math games" tab. I have posted a new card game to Google Classroom "Addition War."
      4. Work on the math-related Boom Cards: More new cards have been added this week for addition.  
      5. Counting by 2,5,10: Collect a pile of Lego blocks, Shopkins toys, cereal, macaroni or any other small household object.  Have your child count the same pile of objects in three different ways (by groups of 2,5 and 10s). Repeat with a different number of objects. 
      6. Doggie Doubles Bump Game:  Print or recreate the game board with a simple drawing. Instructions are on Google classroom. Instead of a spinner, you could play with dice. Roll the dice and double the number rolled. For example, if you roll a 6, you would double that and put your marker on the dog with the number 12 (6+6=12.)
      7. Counting/naming numbers in French: Listen to the counting songs under the songs tab and try to sing along.
      Boom Cards:
      I have added some new decks for addition, for rhyming and for Earth day vocabulary.  https://wow.boomlearning.com/signin/student?req=login

      Image result for earth day gif
      Have a great week!

      Friday, April 17, 2020

      Tuesday, April 14, 2020

      Week of April 14-17

      Marre de la pluie ... (con imágenes) | Pájaros hermosos ...
      Bonjour mes amis!
      Here are some activities to work on at home this week. As usual, please pick and choose from among the activities aiming to complete 30 minutes of literacy and 15 minutes of numeracy per day. There are many suggestions below in an attempt to provide some variety and choice. Do what works for you and your family and have fun! 
      45 minutes a day may not be doable. These are unusual circumstances, so just do your best.
      For some of the activities and to view some resources, you will need to be logged into your child's Google account and access our Google classroom. https://classroom.google.com/c/MTA5MjY4NzQ3NDNa
      username@cloud.edu.pe.ca plus password (was given over the phone.)

      Listening and Speaking:
      1. Watch some videos and listen to some songs in French. Links to suggested songs and videos are in the tabbed pages above. I have added some new songs and videos this week. Discuss what you watched and heard with your parents or older siblings. Tell your parents what you liked or didn't like about the songs and videos using the French words you know. Speak in complete sentences and use appropriate French vocabulary and structures. J'aime ____parce  que_____. Je n'aime pas_____parce que_____.  J'ai aimé____ parce que. Je n'ai pas aimé _____ parce que.
      2. Lecture avec Madame Julie: Check out the "Bibliothèque J Henri Blanchard's Facebook page and listen to Mme Julie's daily story. These are great!
      3. Scavenger Hunt: Go for a walk around your neighbourhood and try to find the items on the "Scavenger Hunt" I have provided for you on Google Classroom. You will need to be logged into your child's Google account to see this. 
      4. Watch a TV show in French. The language settings on any Netflix program can be changed to French!
        Reading: Try to engage with books for 15 minutes per day. I have added a reading strategies poster as well as some parent information about reading to Google classroom.
        1. Read one of the books in your homework bag to a parent or older sibling. You could also read any French book you might have at home. Don't forget to "jette un coup d'oeil"(take a sneak peek) at the cover/the first few pages and  make some predictions before reading. While reading always ask "Does this sound right?, Does this make sense? Does the word I just read match the letters on the page?  Don't guess at words! Use your reading strategies! When finished reading, discuss your favourite part or retell the story telling what happened at the beginning, middle and end. Be sure to speak in complete French sentences.
        2. Sign on to the "Je lis, Je lis littératie site" and read one of the online books I have selected for you. https://jelis-free.rkpublishing.com/student                                              Be sure to discuss the book afterwards. 
        Sight Words/Word Work:
        1. Continue with Sight word cards from your homework bag. If you finish a set, email me and I will send you some new words to work on. These words need to be read quickly in a "click." Please keep the same set for at least a week before asking for new words. These words must be mastered, not sounded out. 
        2. Play "Go Fish" with your sight words. Get some index cards. Write the sight words on the index cards. Make 2 sets so that you have 2 copies of each word. Play "Go Fish" trying to match the pairs. I have just posted a Go Fish reference sheet on Google Classroom, that will help parents to play the game in French.
        3. Boom Cards: Play any of the sight word decks I have assigned.
        4. Practice spelling the following words on a whiteboard, chalkboard or piece of paper: Children must know how to spell these words without help by the end of    Grade one:                             ami, avec, j'aime
        Le Son de la Semaine (Sound of the Week):  We will keep the same sound this week
         "Ch" (pronounced "shh")
        1. On Google classroom, add some words that contain the sound "ch" to the shared document. I have added some words to get you started.
        2. Illustrate the sentences posted in Google classroom.
        3. If you have not done so already, use your pink song book (in your homework bag), look for words containing the sound "ch." Circle or highlight the sound within the word. If you forgot your song book at school, it is now available in our Google Classroom.
        4. Practice reading syllables with "ch" with the "Lance et Lis!" dice activity in Google Classroom.
        5. Continue working on the "ch" Boom cards I had assigned last week.
          I have added a couple of reference tools to our Google classroom. These may be helpful aides for writing for this week and in the weeks to come:
          • "Mur de Mots" an alphabetized list of common words used in Grade one writing.
          • "Lexique" a visual dictionary organized by themes.
          1) Spring Sentences: This is last week's assignment. If you have not completed it, it is still an option for this week. Use the spring vocabulary words below to write some sentences. Please let children try their best. Do not help them spell words. You can tell them the word, but they should orally slowly stretch the word out and write the sounds they hear.  They could also listen for the syllables in the word to help with spelling. 
          Illustrate the sentences and colour the pictures. Be sure to use proper capitalization, spacing, letter formation and punctuation. Be sure to reread your work to ensure that it sounds right and makes sense.
          Extra challenge: Make several sentences on separate pages and create a book. Make a cover and create a book title. Take pictures and send them to me! Maybe make a little video of yourself reading the book. If desired, it can now be shared to our Google classroom.

          Examples of possible sentences: C'est le printemps. Je vois une fleur dans un pot.
          Je vois le petit poussin jaune. Il marche avec une abeille.
          J'aime le printemps. Je vois une grenouille verte. 

          2) Song book writing activity: If you had already completed the spring sentence activity above, please choose a song from your pink songbook. It is in your child's homework bag (I have also attached a PDF of the song book in Google Classroom.) Choose a short poem or a verse from a song that we have covered in class. Copy this out and illustrate it. Present the poem or song to someone. If desired, you can share your work on Google classroom with a video or by sharing a photo.
          3) Boom Cards: Work on building simple sentences with the "Phrases Fantastiques" cards. Be sure to listen to the sentence first and then try to build it with the provided words, pictures and punctuation. The Easter deck is still there, and I have added another deck with a food theme.

          1. Create a "Doubles" booklet:  Use pieces of loose leaf or paper that can be stapled together at the end of the week. First page would be 1+1=2. Have them draw and colour something to represent the equation (ex: 2 eyes, a pair of glasses (two lenses) Have them complete a couple of pages per day until they reach 10+10.  Feel free to share your competed book on Google classroom, if desired. 
          2. Splash learn site: If you have not already done so, please try to log on and play a few games this week. Link is under the "links" tab above. 
          3. Play a math card game: Game instructions under the "math games" tab.
          4. Work on the math-related Boom Cards: New cards have been added for addition.  
          Boom Cards:
          Continue working on these please. I have added some new decks for addition and for rhyming. https://wow.boomlearning.com/signin/student?req=login

          C'est le printemps mes amis - image animée GIF

          Have a great week! Let me know if you have any questions!

          Thursday, April 9, 2020

          Joyeuses Pâques!

          Cette semaine, on a décoré des oeufs de Pâques. 
          Willow, le chat a même aidé. 
          Joyeuses Pâques mes amis!

          Wednesday, April 8, 2020

          le 8 avril, 2020

          Des jolis crocus poussent à côté de l'école. Le printemps est ici!
          Bonne journée!

          Monday, April 6, 2020

          Week of April 6-9 2020


          Bonjour mes amis! Here are some suggested activities for this week. Please pick and choose from among the suggested activities and try to do 30 minutes of  Language Arts (reading/ writing/listening/speaking) and 15 minutes of math per day. You do not have to do every activity listed below. Choose what works for you and your family. If there is a day when working on school won't be in your family's best interest, don't worry about it. This is not home schooling, it is home learning. You will not be able to recreate school at home. Work at your own pace and schedule, taking breaks if necessary. Have fun!

          Listening and Speaking:
          1. Watch some videos and listen to some songs in French. Links to suggested songs and videos are in the tabbed pages above. Discuss what you watched and heard with your parents or older siblings.  Tell your parents what you liked or didn't like about the songs and videos using the French words you know. Success criteria: Speak in complete sentences and use appropriate French vocabulary and structures. J'aime ____parce  que_____. Je n'aime pas______parce que_____.
          Reading: Try to engage with books for 15 minutes per day.
          There is a video for parents (under the links tab) with tips that you may find useful.
          1. Read one of the books in your homework bag to a parent. Don't forget to "jette un coup d'oeil"(take a sneak peek) at the cover/the first few pages and  make some predictions before reading. While reading always ask "Does this sound right?, Does this make sense? Does the word I just read match the letters on the page?  Don't guess at words! Use your reading strategies! When finished reading, discuss your favourite part or retell the story telling what happened at the beginning, middle and end. Be sure to speak in complete French sentences.
          2. Sign on to the "Je lis, Je lis littératie site" and read one of the online books I have selected for you. You will need the username and password that I sent in an email on Sunday. The link to the site is also under the "links" tab above and  there is also a link to a video I made showing you how to get started. https://jelis-free.rkpublishing.com/student
          3. Tumblebooks: Audio books (see links tab) You can change the language at the top right of the screen to hear French Books.
          4. Lecture en Tandem:Read a French book with an older brother or sister or a parent who speaks French. You can take turns reading a page each  ("zig zag reading") or the first person can read a page, and the partner can reread the same page ("echo reading"). 
          5. Lecture avec Madame Julie: Check out the "Bibliothèque J Henri Blanchard's" Facebook page.  The librarian is posting a reading of a new French story everyday. They are really excellent and worth a listen. Be sure to discuss the book afterwards. 
          Sight Words/Word Work:
          1. Continue with Sight word cards from your homework bag. If you finish a set, email me and I will send you some new words to work on.
          2. Play "Go Fish" with your sight words. Get some index cards. Write the sight words on the index cards. Make 2 sets so that you have 2 copies of each word. Play "Go Fish" trying to match the pairs. 
          3. Playdoh sight word building: Find or make some Playdoh. Cut out letters with cookie cutters or roll long "snakes" and form them into the letters needed to spell out the sight words you are working on. 
          Boom Cards:
          Continue working on these please. I can track your child's progress and see that many of you have been working on these already! Great job! The link to the site is also under the "links" tab above. Usernames and passwords have been emailed.

          Le Son de la Semaine (Sound of the Week):
           "Ch" (pronounced "shh")
          1. Make a list of all the words you can think of that contain the sound "ch" (eg: chat, cherche,cher.)  Make a list and email it to me.
          2. Use your pink song book (in your homework bag), look for words containing the sound "ch." Circle or highlight the sound within the word. Practice saying the word. 
          3. Work on the "ch" Boom cards I have assigned. https://wow.boomlearning.com/signin/student?req=login
          Spring Sentences: Use the spring vocabulary words below to write some sentences. Illustrate the sentences and colour the pictures. Be sure to use proper capitalization, spacing, letter formation and punctuation. Be sure to reread your work to ensure that it sounds right and makes sense.

          Examples of possible sentences:  C'est le printemps. Je vois une fleur dans un pot.
          Je vois le petit poussin jaune. Il marche avec une abeille.
          J'aime le printemps. Je vois une grenouille verte. 

          Extra challenge: Make several sentences on separate pages and create a book. Make a cover and create a book title. Take pictures and send them to me! Maybe make a little video of yourself reading the book. It can be shared to Google classroom next week (when I have it ready.)

          Send Madame an email: Create a few sentences for me and send them via email. You could let me know what you have been up to and maybe ask me a few questions. Please write in full French sentences with punctuation and capitalization. This will be a real challenge as you work on keyboarding skills. 

          1. Sign into the Splash learn site using the class code, username and password I sent to parents yesterday.https://www.splashlearn.com/  The link to the site is also under the " links" tab above along with a little video I created explaining how to get started.  I have created a class and assigned some addition and subtraction games to the students. I can track each child's progress using this site. Unfortunately, it is in English, but it is very worthwhile.We are a bit behind in math this year, and only just began working on subtraction before March Break. Please stick to the assigned games. These are in line with our PEI Grade 1 learning outcomes. Some of the other games on the site may not be in line with our curriculum, or might be assigned later on.
          2. Play "Make 10 Go Fish" or "Make 10 Solitaire" using ordinary playing cards. Instructions were emailed to parents last week.
          3. Work on the math-related Boom Cards. There are decks for skip counting by 2,5,10.
          4. Sign up for Prodigy. I don't have much experience with this game, but my daughters enjoy it and some parents of children in this class have mentioned that their children are really into it. It is a game approved and recommended by Dept of Ed. https://www.prodigygame.com/  There is also an app you can download for iPhone and Android. 
          Au Royaume des Sons:  
          Mme Julie' Desjardin's students can continue working on phonological awareness skills at the following site https://jeu.auroyaumedessons.com/ The link is also under the "links" tab above.
          Mme Julie can track your progress from her home. 
          Usernames and passwords have been emailed to those whom this applies to.

          There! That should be more than enough to keep you busy for the first week.
          My goal for this week will be to figure out Google classroom, so that we can post pictures and share our work directly on that page. It should be fun!

          Have a good week and Happy Easter/Joyeuses Pâques!
          Madame Marchbank

          Le petit lapin brun cueille une belle carotte orange et bleue. La carotte ressemble un joli oeuf!