Bonjour mes amis! Here are some suggested activities for this week. Please pick and choose from among the suggested activities and try to do 30 minutes of Language Arts (reading/ writing/listening/speaking) and 15 minutes of math per day. You do not have to do every activity listed below. Choose what works for you and your family. If there is a day when working on school won't be in your family's best interest, don't worry about it. This is not home schooling, it is home learning. You will not be able to recreate school at home. Work at your own pace and schedule, taking breaks if necessary. Have fun!
Listening and Speaking:
- Watch some videos and listen to some songs in French. Links to suggested songs and videos are in the tabbed pages above. Discuss what you watched and heard with your parents or older siblings. Tell your parents what you liked or didn't like about the songs and videos using the French words you know. Success criteria: Speak in complete sentences and use appropriate French vocabulary and structures. J'aime ____parce que_____. Je n'aime pas______parce que_____.
There is a video for parents (under the links tab) with tips that you may find useful.
- Read one of the books in your homework bag to a parent. Don't forget to "jette un coup d'oeil"(take a sneak peek) at the cover/the first few pages and make some predictions before reading. While reading always ask "Does this sound right?, Does this make sense? Does the word I just read match the letters on the page? Don't guess at words! Use your reading strategies! When finished reading, discuss your favourite part or retell the story telling what happened at the beginning, middle and end. Be sure to speak in complete French sentences.
- Sign on to the "Je lis, Je lis littératie site" and read one of the online books I have selected for you. You will need the username and password that I sent in an email on Sunday. The link to the site is also under the "links" tab above and there is also a link to a video I made showing you how to get started.
- Tumblebooks: Audio books (see links tab) You can change the language at the top right of the screen to hear French Books.
- Lecture en Tandem:Read a French book with an older brother or sister or a parent who speaks French. You can take turns reading a page each ("zig zag reading") or the first person can read a page, and the partner can reread the same page ("echo reading").
- Lecture avec Madame Julie: Check out the "Bibliothèque J Henri Blanchard's" Facebook page. The librarian is posting a reading of a new French story everyday. They are really excellent and worth a listen. Be sure to discuss the book afterwards.
- Continue with Sight word cards from your homework bag. If you finish a set, email me and I will send you some new words to work on.
- Play "Go Fish" with your sight words. Get some index cards. Write the sight words on the index cards. Make 2 sets so that you have 2 copies of each word. Play "Go Fish" trying to match the pairs.
- Playdoh sight word building: Find or make some Playdoh. Cut out letters with cookie cutters or roll long "snakes" and form them into the letters needed to spell out the sight words you are working on.
Boom Cards:
Continue working on these please. I can track your child's progress and see that many of you have been working on these already! Great job! The link to the site is also under the "links" tab above. Usernames and passwords have been emailed.
Le Son de la Semaine (Sound of the Week):
Le Son de la Semaine (Sound of the Week):
"Ch" (pronounced "shh")
- Make a list of all the words you can think of that contain the sound "ch" (eg: chat, cherche,cher.) Make a list and email it to me.
- Use your pink song book (in your homework bag), look for words containing the sound "ch." Circle or highlight the sound within the word. Practice saying the word.
- Work on the "ch" Boom cards I have assigned.
Spring Sentences: Use the spring vocabulary words below to write some sentences. Illustrate the sentences and colour the pictures. Be sure to use proper capitalization, spacing, letter formation and punctuation. Be sure to reread your work to ensure that it sounds right and makes sense.
Examples of possible sentences: C'est le printemps. Je vois une fleur dans un pot.
Je vois le petit poussin jaune. Il marche avec une abeille.
J'aime le printemps. Je vois une grenouille verte.
Extra challenge: Make several sentences on separate pages and create a book. Make a cover and create a book title. Take pictures and send them to me! Maybe make a little video of yourself reading the book. It can be shared to Google classroom next week (when I have it ready.)
Send Madame an email: Create a few sentences for me and send them via email. You could let me know what you have been up to and maybe ask me a few questions. Please write in full French sentences with punctuation and capitalization. This will be a real challenge as you work on keyboarding skills.
Send Madame an email: Create a few sentences for me and send them via email. You could let me know what you have been up to and maybe ask me a few questions. Please write in full French sentences with punctuation and capitalization. This will be a real challenge as you work on keyboarding skills.
- Sign into the Splash learn site using the class code, username and password I sent to parents yesterday. The link to the site is also under the " links" tab above along with a little video I created explaining how to get started. I have created a class and assigned some addition and subtraction games to the students. I can track each child's progress using this site. Unfortunately, it is in English, but it is very worthwhile.We are a bit behind in math this year, and only just began working on subtraction before March Break. Please stick to the assigned games. These are in line with our PEI Grade 1 learning outcomes. Some of the other games on the site may not be in line with our curriculum, or might be assigned later on.
- Play "Make 10 Go Fish" or "Make 10 Solitaire" using ordinary playing cards. Instructions were emailed to parents last week.
- Work on the math-related Boom Cards. There are decks for skip counting by 2,5,10.
- Sign up for Prodigy. I don't have much experience with this game, but my daughters enjoy it and some parents of children in this class have mentioned that their children are really into it. It is a game approved and recommended by Dept of Ed. There is also an app you can download for iPhone and Android.
Au Royaume des Sons:
Mme Julie' Desjardin's students can continue working on phonological awareness skills at the following site The link is also under the "links" tab above.
Mme Julie can track your progress from her home.
Mme Julie can track your progress from her home.
Usernames and passwords have been emailed to those whom this applies to.
There! That should be more than enough to keep you busy for the first week.
My goal for this week will be to figure out Google classroom, so that we can post pictures and share our work directly on that page. It should be fun!
Have a good week and Happy Easter/Joyeuses Pâques!
Madame Marchbank
Le petit lapin brun cueille une belle carotte orange et bleue. La carotte ressemble un joli oeuf! |
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